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Clinical analyzes
A clinical or laboratory analysis is a complementary exploration requested by a doctor to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. It relies on the study of different biological samples and provides an objective result.
Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 to 10 a.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 to 10 a.m.
Private and all mutuals except: Agrupació Mutua and Asistencia Sanitaria Colegial.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8 to 10 a.m.
Private and all mutuals except: Asisa, Allianz, DKV, Alan, Vivaz and Asistencia Sanitaria Colegial.

Angiology and Vascular Surgery
Angiology is the medical specialty that deals with the study of the vessels of the circulatory system (veins and arteries) and of the lymphatic system.

By allergy is meant the medical specialty that involves the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of a disease caused by immunological mechanisms.

Digestive apparatus
Treatment and diagnosis of diseases related to stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and intestines.

Paediatric area
By allergy is meant the medical specialty that involves the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of a disease caused by immunological mechanisms.
Is the medical specialty that studies children and its diseases.

Cardiology is the specialty concerned with heart and circulatory system diseases.

Dermatology is a medical specialty that studies the structure and function of the skin as well as diseases that affect it. It offers prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Aesthetic Dermatology
Aesthetic Dermatology is the branch of medicine that leverages the latest scientific breakthroughs to get rid of or reduce the signs caused by ageing on our skin or, in a few words, to correct and improve your facial and capillary appearance.
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Ultrasound scanning
Ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound waves to make pictures of different parts of the anatomy.

Endocrinology and Nutrition
Metabolic, hormonal and growth disorders and nutrition.

Gynaecology and obstetrics
It is the medical and surgical specialty that treats diseases of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina and ovaries) and the monitoring from pregnancy through delivery.

Aesthetic Gynaecology
Surgical and non-surgical techniques intended to improve the appearance of the genitalia, functionality and sexual relationships in both sexes. Aesthetic gynaecology and intimate surgery address problems related to loss of elasticity, vaginal dryness, mild urinary incontinence and even aesthetic aspects of the vaginal area.
Treatments: vaginal rejuvenation (no surgery), incontinence (no surgery), bleaching, labiaplasty…
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Study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of blood diseases.

Aesthetic medicine
It is the medical and surgical specialty that deals with the correction and / or modification of any part of the anatomy with an aesthetic purpose.

Family medicine
Family medicine or general medicine is the medical discipline that is responsible for maintaining health in all aspects, analysing and studying the human body as a whole.

Disorders and respiratory diseases.

It is very useful for ascertaining the extent of an injury or lesion and whether the problem is located in the hand, arm, leg, face, etc., or is more widespread and extensive.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting brain, peripheral nerves, muscles and spinal cord.

Study, diagnosis and treatment of eye and vision.

Is the medical specialty that includes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, neck and upper respiratory tract such as nose, pharynx, larynx and sinuses.

Study of mental illness and disorders.
La reumatología es una especialidad médica dedicada a los trastornos clínicos (no los quirúrgicos) del aparato locomotor y del tejido conectivo.

Traumatology is the branch of medicine devoted to the study of the locomotor system injuries, both congenital and acquired.
Traumatología pediátrica
Los niños no son adultos pequeños. Tienen sus propias lesiones y tratamientos según la edad. El ortopeda pediátrico será el encargado de asegurar su correcta curación y crecimiento posterior. Valorará las lesiones traumáticas o deportivas, los trastornos de la marcha, las alteraciones de la columna, de las extremidades y la patología congénita.
Unidad de Ozono
La ozonoterapia es el conjunto de técnicas que utilizan el ozono como agente terapéutico. Es una terapia completamente natural (ya que es una mezcla de ozono/oxígeno) y altamente eficaz.
Está indicada para: artrosis, hernias de disco, dolor de espalda y lumbalgia, fibromialgias, fatiga crónica, lesiones deportivas, migraña, depresión, acné, psoriasis, tratamiento de apoyo en oncología, antiaging, etc.

Urology is the medical and surgical specialty that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the urinary tract, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum of both sexes and of the male reproductive system.
All our collaborators are external to the Center and work on their own.